Friday, 4 March 2016

  Is religion good for women? - Tony Blair Faith Foundation.

Ever since the beginning of time, women have been seeking greater participation, more leadership, greater roles and parallel to this, it has actually been becoming easier for them in these modern times.

Religion has always been an interest of women in which they have become extremely active. They have been able to play a significant role and have been at the center of most of the worlds religions. They have always have a huge part to play in developing a relationship with God to what they see as the most powerful, the most beautiful and most true and also because they deal with regularly issues of life such as marriage, birth and those such as illness and death.

Historical women have been playing huge roles faith leadership without having to defer to male leadership. In modern times, they have been getting more educated, joining the work force and into much greater public roles of leadership.

A really serious situation for religion is that some women are fighting for control while others are leaving the church or other religions due to this struggle since their energies can be placed somewhere else. This causes a decline in the church as seen in western countries and there is no solution presently.

1 comment:

  1. Where is this? Good social commentary but would like to understand more about the place for this that is made or created in cities. Too many photos - More effects to choose one per post because they can be too small on the screen to see well.
